Sunday, June 21, 2015

NASA or Whom Would You Trust With Your Life? (Global Warming Deniers?) image 1 If You Were An Astronaut, Whom Would You Trust With Your Life? NASA or Global Warming Deniers? I Would NEVER TRUST SATANISM WITH MY LIFE! The NOT IN BERKELEY Poster COULD BE A SCIENTOLOGY MOUTHPIECE, His Ludicrous and Totally ingenious twisted Logic[al Fallacies] BREATHES FROM THE SPIRIT OF L. RON HUBBARD, only a Insane Person could believe the Trash Not In Berkeley Vomits upon this Board. NASA is a Totally Disingenuous Arm of The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. They are Both under the Same Controller- Satan The occult roots of NASA, the Satanist Propaganda of Not In Berkeley. JPL -- The occult roots of NASA Jack Parsons, dedicated occultist and chemist of genius, was born in 1914 and died in 1952 in a mysterious explosion whose cause has never been fully explained. He was a tall handsome Californian, whose early work on highly volatile rocket-motor fuels was regarded highly enough for French scientists of a later generation to name a crater on the dark side of the moon after him. Parsons introduced into early American rocketry a range of exotic solid and liquid fuels whose later forms were eventually to help drive Apollo 11 to the Moon. He helped create the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL --sometimes referred to as "Jack Parson's Laboratory") in Pasadena, now a major industrial complex. . Parsons was certainly ahead of his time in things other than rocketry. Before each test launch, he was in the habit of invoking Aleister Crowley's Hymn to Pan, the wild horned god of fertility. Parsons was an active member of the California Agape Lodge of the sex magickal group Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), and in letters addressed The Great Beast (Crowley) as "Most Beloved Father". The Babalon Workings In August 1945, on leave from his less than spectacular naval career, Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard was introduced to Parsons. Jack was impressed by Ron's exuberance and energy and wrote in a letter to Crowley: "I deduced that he is in direct touch with some higher intelligence. He is the most Thelemic (Crowley's branch of magic) person I have ever met and is in complete accord with our own principles". Hubbard moved in and promptly gained the affections of Parsons' main squeeze, 19-year-old Betty Northrop. He was soon initiated into the secrets of the OTO and made Parsons' magical partner. HERE IS YOUR HERO, NASA SECRET LEADER, AND CRYPTO NAZI. Jack Parsons a german documentary, "Missing in Happy Valley" and serves as an excellent introduction to this page about Scientology's roots. "The same individual that transmitted the various Magick tech to Adolf Hitler as a young man also transmitted them to Dad. And like Dad, Hitler, when he came to power, promptly had his teachers and the occult field in general wiped out." --L Ron Hubbard Jr - 1984 tape transcript "Justice Latey said that the tactics used by Hubbard and his helpers are "grimly reminiscent of the ranting and bullying of Hitler and his henchmen". "She said doctors told her, her husband was suffering from a mental ailment "known as paranoid schizophrenia." --Wife Sara Northrup Hubbard - Article HERE Russian Law expressly states that Scientology is a dangerous cult. For instance, the Order no.254 of Russian Health Ministry directly prohibits promotion and use of Scientology and Dianetics methods. The official "Handbook of destructive religious cults" also states that CoS is the "Destructive cult of satanic orientation" LINK "[The court record is] replete with evidence [that Scientology] is nothing in reality but a vast enterprise to extract the maximum amount of money from its adepts by pseudo scientific theories... and to exercise a kind of blackmail against persons who do not wish to continue with their sect.... The organization clearly is schizophrenic and paranoid, and this bizarre combination seems to be a reflection of its founder, L.Ron Hubbard." --Judge Breckenridge, Los Angeles Superior Court Adolf Hitler was also classed as a 'paranoid schizophrenic.' See this one classified, 1943 OSS evaluation of Hitler. Jack Parsons was one Hell of a guy, and not just because he might have been the Antichrist. John Whiteside Parsons was born in 1914, a child of wealth and privilege in unholy Los Angeles. His father took a hike while Parsons was a teen, and like so many other kids, young Jack successfully summoned Satan to assuage his loneliness. Hey, haven't we all been there? The departure of his father also left Parsons with an Oedipal fixation on his mother, according to his biography Love and Rockets (the author adds that later in life, Parsons is rumored to have filmed himself working through his complex through the novel approach of actually having sex with Mom). Parsons was a bit of a wunderkind in two key areas -- the occult and rocket science. Parsons legitimate claim to fame was in the latter field. He was by all accounts a brilliant chemist, who made major breakthroughs in designing the chemical composition of liquid rocket fuels. Parsons' fuel mixtures eventually helped America land on the moon (Ha! A likely story!) According to countercultural journalist Richard Metzger, Werner von Braun claimed that Parsons (a high-school dropout) was the true father of the American space program. Parsons helped create the famous Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (the JPL, also affectionately called the "Jack Parsons Lab"). You would think all this scientific achievement would be enough for one person in one lifetime, but Parsons had a much loftier set of ambitions. He wanted to tear down the walls of time and space, and he had an entirely non-scientific set of ideas on how to do it. Parsons had always been interested in occultism, but his path to notoriety really started in 1941, when he joined the California-based Agape lodge of Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis. Parsons threw himself into the Eastern-inspired mysticism and hormonally inspired sex magic of Thelema, the religion Crowley had either devised or channeled from beyond, depending on your point of view. Parsons was an immediate success. He quickly took over the Agape lodge. Crowley and his associates spoke of him as a potential successor to the Great Beast himself. One of Parsons' best pals in the OTO was a young L. Ron Hubbard. They shared a zest for the work, as well as a mistress. One of their big projects was the notorious Babalon Working. The ritual was supposedly intended to create a new age of free love by shattering the confines of four-dimensional space time, but the major portion of it appears to have been primarily focused on getting Parsons laid. The first stage of Babalon involved invoking an "elemental mate" -- which, fortuitously enough for Parsons, turned out to be a voluptuous redhead named Marjorie Cameron, who would later emerge as a star of occult-oriented films by experimental filmmaker Kenneth Anger. Flush with the thrill of success, Parsons and Cameron set out to perform part two of the Babalon working, with Hubbard taking notes: Wild monkey sex with the goal of creating a "moonchild." A moonchild in this context is best described as an Thelemic messiah, a magic homonculus monster child along the general lines of "Rosemary's Baby." Phase Two collapsed on itself when Hubbard left town with a mistress and (allegedly) a substantial sum of money, both of which had previously been attached to Parsons. So if you're angrily wondering why the Earth isn't currently sex-soaked carnal paradise of peace, you can blame Hubbard. Parsons got into a bit of a funk in the post-Hubbard era, which is reflected in the evolution of his magical work. Parsons' next big project turned out to be the "Book of the Antichrist," which is unsubtle making the connection clear: "Now it came to pass even as BABALON told me, for after receiving Her Book I fell away from Magick, and put away Her Book and all pertaining thereto. And I was stripped of my fortune (the sum of about $50,000) and my house, and all I Possessed. Then for a period of two years I worked in the world, recouping my fortune somewhat. But that was also taken from me, and my reputation, and my good name in my worldly work, that was in science." Parsons "swore the Oath of the Abyss, having only the choice between madness, suicide, and that oath. (then) I took the oath of a Magister Templi, even the Oath of Antichrist before Frater 132, the Unknown God. And thus was I Antichrist loosed in the world; and to this I am pledged, that the work of the Beast 666 shall be fulfilled." Who knew it was so easy? Apparently noting that Antichrist is only a few letters away from "anarchist," the manifesto that follows is in large part an exhortation to "do what thou wilt" in most things bodily-fluid-drenched, economic and/or political. The goal of all these efforts, according to Metzger, was to bring on the Apocalypse, since in theory things can only get better from there. By now you may be thinking "What a load of crap!" But the FBI, none too keen about the notion that Parsons' taxpayer-funded salary might be supporting the Antichrist and the hastening of the Apocalypse, took it seriously enough to open an investigation. Documents recently released through the Freedom of Information act make up 130 pages of heavily redacted text in which G-Men try to make sense of Parsons' religious beliefs and document his frequently careless handling of classified materials. Parsons died in 1952 in his home laboratory, in an explosion generally characterized as "mysterious." Various theories suggest that the explosion was the result of old grudges by his enemies, a sinister plot by the FBI, a magical experiment gone bad, the fact that his garage was filled with lots of explosive chemicals, or some combination of the above. Aleister Crowley was a mountain climber, homoerotic poet, ritual magician, heroin addict, sleazy womanizer, racist, German collaborator, British secret agent and pedophile. Ordo Templi Orientis Crowley was approached by the Ordo Templi Orientis, which invited him to take on a leadership role. The OTO claims to integrate "Freemasonic, Rosicrucian and Illuminist movements of the 18th and 19th centuries, the crusading Knights Templar of the middle ages and early Christian Gnosticism and the Pagan Mystery Schools." The leader of the OTO was a German named Theodor Reuss, a former Freemason and Illuminatus. He initiated Crowley into the sect in 1910 and in 1912 granted the Beast a charter to launch a British branch of the secret society. Crowley moved to the United States in 1914, at the onset of World War I, setting up shop in New York. In New York, Crowley continued recruiting students and began rewriting the charters of the O.T.O. to better suit his beliefs. Starting from a base structure very similar to the Freemasons, Crowley added several significant elements to the OTO's repertoire. He legalized the initiation of women into its ranks, wrote modernized English-language rituals for its members, streamlined initiation and degrees to more quickly advance members through the ranks, and integrated Thelema into the OTO's core mission, placing the Book of the Law at the center of its teachings.

image 1 If You Were An Astronaut, Whom Would You Trust With Your Life? NASA or Global Warming Deniers? I Would NEVER TRUST SATANISM WITH MY LIFE! The NOT IN BERKELEY Poster COULD BE A SCIENTOLOGY MOUTHPIECE, His Ludicrous and Totally ingenious twisted Logic[al Fallacies] BREATHES FROM THE SPIRIT OF L. RON HUBBARD, only a Insane Person could believe the Trash Not In Berkeley Vomits upon this Board. NASA is a Totally Disingenuous Arm of The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. They are Both under the Same Controller- Satan The occult roots of NASA, the Satanist Propaganda of Not In Berkeley. JPL -- The occult roots of NASA Jack Parsons, dedicated occultist and chemist of genius, was born in 1914 and died in 1952 in a mysterious explosion whose cause has never been fully explained. He was a tall handsome Californian, whose early work on highly volatile rocket-motor fuels was regarded highly enough for French scientists of a later generation to name a crater on the dark side of the moon after him. Parsons introduced into early American rocketry a range of exotic solid and liquid fuels whose later forms were eventually to help drive Apollo 11 to the Moon. He helped create the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL --sometimes referred to as "Jack Parson's Laboratory") in Pasadena, now a major industrial complex. . Parsons was certainly ahead of his time in things other than rocketry. Before each test launch, he was in the habit of invoking Aleister Crowley's Hymn to Pan, the wild horned god of fertility. Parsons was an active member of the California Agape Lodge of the sex magickal group Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), and in letters addressed The Great Beast (Crowley) as "Most Beloved Father". The Babalon Workings In August 1945, on leave from his less than spectacular naval career, Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard was introduced to Parsons. Jack was impressed by Ron's exuberance and energy and wrote in a letter to Crowley: "I deduced that he is in direct touch with some higher intelligence. He is the most Thelemic (Crowley's branch of magic) person I have ever met and is in complete accord with our own principles". Hubbard moved in and promptly gained the affections of Parsons' main squeeze, 19-year-old Betty Northrop. He was soon initiated into the secrets of the OTO and made Parsons' magical partner. HERE IS YOUR HERO, NASA SECRET LEADER, AND CRYPTO NAZI. Jack Parsons a german documentary, "Missing in Happy Valley" and serves as an excellent introduction to this page about Scientology's roots. "The same individual that transmitted the various Magick tech to Adolf Hitler as a young man also transmitted them to Dad. And like Dad, Hitler, when he came to power, promptly had his teachers and the occult field in general wiped out." --L Ron Hubbard Jr - 1984 tape transcript "Justice Latey said that the tactics used by Hubbard and his helpers are "grimly reminiscent of the ranting and bullying of Hitler and his henchmen". "She said doctors told her, her husband was suffering from a mental ailment "known as paranoid schizophrenia." --Wife Sara Northrup Hubbard - Article HERE Russian Law expressly states that Scientology is a dangerous cult. For instance, the Order no.254 of Russian Health Ministry directly prohibits promotion and use of Scientology and Dianetics methods. The official "Handbook of destructive religious cults" also states that CoS is the "Destructive cult of satanic orientation" LINK "[The court record is] replete with evidence [that Scientology] is nothing in reality but a vast enterprise to extract the maximum amount of money from its adepts by pseudo scientific theories... and to exercise a kind of blackmail against persons who do not wish to continue with their sect.... The organization clearly is schizophrenic and paranoid, and this bizarre combination seems to be a reflection of its founder, L.Ron Hubbard." --Judge Breckenridge, Los Angeles Superior Court Adolf Hitler was also classed as a 'paranoid schizophrenic.' See this one classified, 1943 OSS evaluation of Hitler. Jack Parsons was one Hell of a guy, and not just because he might have been the Antichrist. John Whiteside Parsons was born in 1914, a child of wealth and privilege in unholy Los Angeles. His father took a hike while Parsons was a teen, and like so many other kids, young Jack successfully summoned Satan to assuage his loneliness. Hey, haven't we all been there? The departure of his father also left Parsons with an Oedipal fixation on his mother, according to his biography Love and Rockets (the author adds that later in life, Parsons is rumored to have filmed himself working through his complex through the novel approach of actually having sex with Mom). Parsons was a bit of a wunderkind in two key areas -- the occult and rocket science. Parsons legitimate claim to fame was in the latter field. He was by all accounts a brilliant chemist, who made major breakthroughs in designing the chemical composition of liquid rocket fuels. Parsons' fuel mixtures eventually helped America land on the moon (Ha! A likely story!) According to countercultural journalist Richard Metzger, Werner von Braun claimed that Parsons (a high-school dropout) was the true father of the American space program. Parsons helped create the famous Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (the JPL, also affectionately called the "Jack Parsons Lab"). You would think all this scientific achievement would be enough for one person in one lifetime, but Parsons had a much loftier set of ambitions. He wanted to tear down the walls of time and space, and he had an entirely non-scientific set of ideas on how to do it. Parsons had always been interested in occultism, but his path to notoriety really started in 1941, when he joined the California-based Agape lodge of Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis. Parsons threw himself into the Eastern-inspired mysticism and hormonally inspired sex magic of Thelema, the religion Crowley had either devised or channeled from beyond, depending on your point of view. Parsons was an immediate success. He quickly took over the Agape lodge. Crowley and his associates spoke of him as a potential successor to the Great Beast himself. One of Parsons' best pals in the OTO was a young L. Ron Hubbard. They shared a zest for the work, as well as a mistress. One of their big projects was the notorious Babalon Working. The ritual was supposedly intended to create a new age of free love by shattering the confines of four-dimensional space time, but the major portion of it appears to have been primarily focused on getting Parsons laid. The first stage of Babalon involved invoking an "elemental mate" -- which, fortuitously enough for Parsons, turned out to be a voluptuous redhead named Marjorie Cameron, who would later emerge as a star of occult-oriented films by experimental filmmaker Kenneth Anger. Flush with the thrill of success, Parsons and Cameron set out to perform part two of the Babalon working, with Hubbard taking notes: Wild monkey sex with the goal of creating a "moonchild." A moonchild in this context is best described as an Thelemic messiah, a magic homonculus monster child along the general lines of "Rosemary's Baby." Phase Two collapsed on itself when Hubbard left town with a mistress and (allegedly) a substantial sum of money, both of which had previously been attached to Parsons. So if you're angrily wondering why the Earth isn't currently sex-soaked carnal paradise of peace, you can blame Hubbard. Parsons got into a bit of a funk in the post-Hubbard era, which is reflected in the evolution of his magical work. Parsons' next big project turned out to be the "Book of the Antichrist," which is unsubtle making the connection clear: "Now it came to pass even as BABALON told me, for after receiving Her Book I fell away from Magick, and put away Her Book and all pertaining thereto. And I was stripped of my fortune (the sum of about $50,000) and my house, and all I Possessed. Then for a period of two years I worked in the world, recouping my fortune somewhat. But that was also taken from me, and my reputation, and my good name in my worldly work, that was in science." Parsons "swore the Oath of the Abyss, having only the choice between madness, suicide, and that oath. (then) I took the oath of a Magister Templi, even the Oath of Antichrist before Frater 132, the Unknown God. And thus was I Antichrist loosed in the world; and to this I am pledged, that the work of the Beast 666 shall be fulfilled." Who knew it was so easy? Apparently noting that Antichrist is only a few letters away from "anarchist," the manifesto that follows is in large part an exhortation to "do what thou wilt" in most things bodily-fluid-drenched, economic and/or political. The goal of all these efforts, according to Metzger, was to bring on the Apocalypse, since in theory things can only get better from there. By now you may be thinking "What a load of crap!" But the FBI, none too keen about the notion that Parsons' taxpayer-funded salary might be supporting the Antichrist and the hastening of the Apocalypse, took it seriously enough to open an investigation. Documents recently released through the Freedom of Information act make up 130 pages of heavily redacted text in which G-Men try to make sense of Parsons' religious beliefs and document his frequently careless handling of classified materials. Parsons died in 1952 in his home laboratory, in an explosion generally characterized as "mysterious." Various theories suggest that the explosion was the result of old grudges by his enemies, a sinister plot by the FBI, a magical experiment gone bad, the fact that his garage was filled with lots of explosive chemicals, or some combination of the above. Aleister Crowley was a mountain climber, homoerotic poet, ritual magician, heroin addict, sleazy womanizer, racist, German collaborator, British secret agent and pedophile. Ordo Templi Orientis Crowley was approached by the Ordo Templi Orientis, which invited him to take on a leadership role. The OTO claims to integrate "Freemasonic, Rosicrucian and Illuminist movements of the 18th and 19th centuries, the crusading Knights Templar of the middle ages and early Christian Gnosticism and the Pagan Mystery Schools." The leader of the OTO was a German named Theodor Reuss, a former Freemason and Illuminatus. He initiated Crowley into the sect in 1910 and in 1912 granted the Beast a charter to launch a British branch of the secret society. Crowley moved to the United States in 1914, at the onset of World War I, setting up shop in New York. In New York, Crowley continued recruiting students and began rewriting the charters of the O.T.O. to better suit his beliefs. Starting from a base structure very similar to the Freemasons, Crowley added several significant elements to the OTO's repertoire. He legalized the initiation of women into its ranks, wrote modernized English-language rituals for its members, streamlined initiation and degrees to more quickly advance members through the ranks, and integrated Thelema into the OTO's core mission, placing the Book of the Law at the center of its teachings.

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